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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bloody Mutiny

This is page three, and when I drew this one I learned the following about myself: 1) Drawing blood & gore is not as disturbing as I had thought it would be, but actually a lot of fun. Probably because it's really just ink... 2) I kind of like drawing men, when they're as handsome as Dandy Long Legs (according to Troy's script he is very dandy, and I modeled his appearance on a romantic portrait of one of my favorite English poets, John Donne).


Dave M! said...

Never thought bloody sword-stabbings could look this stylish. This page successfully merges Jaime Herandez, Barry Windsor-Smith and your own damned elegance.

Dave Marshall
"Inky Stories" is my web comic.
"Art of the Comic Book" is my traditional ink-on-paper comics class.

Line O said...

It's very kind of you to mention me in the same sentence as my long-time hero, Jaime Hernandez (hope he wouldn't be too offended, if he ever found out!)